[1] Outgoing Marshall Bro. Val Santos receiving and introducing dignitaries,
[2] Bro. Ramon Sabacan’s stirring tribute to the Philippine flag,
[3] immediate Past Master Bro. Anacleto Fernandez on his way to surrender the jewels of his office;
[4] Bro. Manolo Mercado taking his oath as Master of the Lodge,
[5] Bro. Marionito Guererro as Senior Warden, and
[6] Bro. Sergio Francisco as Junior Warden; installation of the
[7] Senior and Junior Stewards,
[8] Treasurer,
[9] Marshall,
[10] Auditor,
[11] Tyler,
[12] Lecturer, Orator, Almoner, Assistant Treasurer and Secretary,
[13] Organist,
[14] Senior and Junior Deacons,
[15] Secretary, and
[16] Chaplain;
[17] Master of Ceremony Bro. Laverne Manangbao declaring the officers of Model Lodge for Masonic year 6020 AL to have been duly installed;
[18] Worshipful Master Bro. Manolo Mercado receive from emcee Bro. Jose Matutino, Jr. the architectural plan for Model Lodge’s future Masonic temple,
[19] Bro. Monico Delgado putting the Past Master’s jewel on Bro. Anacleto Fernandez,
[20] keynote speaker Bro. Undersecretary Narciso Nieto of the Department of Agrarian Reform,
[21] arrival of District Deputy Grandmaster Bro. Emmanuel Antonio Umali who
[22] presented to Bro. Anacleto Fernandez the symbol of his inclusion in the Past Masters’ roll;
[23] the brethren pledge their allegiance to the Philippine flag as it is retired,
[24] incoming Chaplain Bro. Jomari Valino giving the closing prayer,
[25] incoming Senior Deacon Bro. Nathaniel Elegado turned off the lights and rearrange the altar,
[26] the District Deputy Grandmaster closing the Lodge, and
[27] post-installation fellowship.