Monday, August 29, 2011


When the founding Fathers named the Lodge as "Model", they were serious about it and drafted an internal rule based on the Landmarks of Freemasonry, and the Edicts and Constitution of the Grand Lodge of the Philippines to guide future brethren in practicing, upholding, and defending the tenets and principles of Freemasonry.

Four years after, the 23 sons of Model Lodge No. 373 since it was constituted in 2008 sat down to discuss, review, and update these internal rules and reaffirmed their solemn obligation to uphold the following guiding principles of the Lodge:

"This Lodge shall exist for the protection and welfare of its members and the communities where their families reside.

This Lodge will encourage the formation of appendant bodies to enhance the participation of the brethren’s immediate family in the practice and exemplification of the teachings and tenets of Freemasonry.

This Lodge shall be self-sustaining, self-developing, and self-enduring and will accept worthy and qualified men who will bring honor and dignity to Freemasonry with due priority to the brethren’s immediate family, relatives, and friends.

The brethren of this Lodge have faith in the Almighty, hope for immortality, and charity for all humanity and as such shall practice the greatest attribute of charity, and participate in all activities that will improve the lives of those who are marginalized, displaced, and sickly.

The brethren of this Lodge shall make available their resources, skills, and time to implement socio-economic projects for the benefit of the Lodge and welfare of the brethren, and as such shall establish a social enterprise which it shall supervise for this purpose.

The brethren of this Lodge shall strive to become model Masons and citizens, and shall therefore earnestly care for their families, do service for the community, and offer their talent to national development."

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