Friday, April 1, 2011


I am a Blue Boy.

Not those MMDA guys but of Model Lodge who were called as such by District Deputy Grandmaster Bro. Rodolfo Estrada for the blue suits we wore for this year’s installation rites.

The blue suits were a gift from Bro. Marionito Guerrero who, upon his installation as Master of Model Lodge, made a pact with us to attend all such rites within the Masonic District. And that means from the opening of the Lodges until the fellowships.

We were usually a car pool of two vehicles coming from the northern and southern parts of Nueva Ecija province.

We have assignments. We worked on schedules and rotations. Some have to file leaves of absence. Others have to go AWOL or drop commitments or delete schedules. It was tough sometimes. But were happier than blue.

It was at first a routine requirement for us. But we learned much at each installation and somehow developed a deeper appreciation on the ritual. Finally, it became our initiation into a broader fraternity beyond the confines our Lodge. We toasted, gut drunk, and made many friends on a first name basis. We finally let our hair down and with it our inhibitions. We are the blue boys and we are happily at ease now.

The Blue Boys were able to attend all 16 installations (including ours) within the District plus 4 more outside of it. We were there for the openings, stayed during the restrained moments, came back for the rites, listened to the speeches, and enjoyed the fellowships.

On a personal note, I made a promise last year to attend all 15 (minus ours) since I only made 6 then. I tried hard even if it meant wearing the same blue barong for 2 consecutive days at times. But I only made 13 (minus ours) because I got called to a conference in Batangas when the Blue Boys attended that of the manuel L. Quezon Memorial Lodge No. 262, and had to mind the kids as it was wife in conference when they went to San Leonardo Lodge No. 386.

But the Blue Boys were there, always there, and we are them.

FOOTNOTE: This essay was written by Bro. Shubert L. Ciencia and originally intended for publication in "The Craftsman" --- Masonic District RIII-D's official newsletter.

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