Friday, April 18, 2014


The Jewish Feast of the Passover commemorates the Exodus event when the Hebrews were lead out of slavery in Egypt by Moses. In the last of the Ten Plagues, the angel of God smote the first born of the Egyptians. The Angel of Death “passed over” the houses of the Israelites that had their doorposts marked with the blood of the Paschal Lamb. Thus, the blood of the Paschal Lamb symbolizes redemption and liberation. In observance of this Feast, Jesus of Nazareth, in the night in which he was betrayed, gathered his disciples in the upper room for the Last Supper. In their midst He instituted the Sacrament of Holy Communion”. --- Valley of the Hudson AASR

It was in commemoration of this event that Bodies of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rites gather every Maundy Thursday to observe the Feast of the Paschal Lamb through a solemn ceremony that is open to the public.

The ceremony includes the Mystic Roll Call of those who have been called to the Celestial Lodge during the previous year, and the Ceremony of Lights in symbolic reenactment of the death and resurrection of Jesus.

The Munoz Bodies of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rites continue to observe this annual tradition and for this year's edition, Model Lodge cancelled its traditional motorist assistance activity to enable its members to attend the ceremony.

Through this experience, the members of the Lodge will have the opportunity of further understanding the mysteries of Freemasonry and reflecting on its various symbolisms towards encouraging them to seek more enlightenment through the higher degrees of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rites.

It was with the same purpose that the sisters from Model Court No. 55 of the Order of the Amaranth also attended the ceremony.

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